IMI can create, test, send, and track personalized emails to your contacts/lead and to your customers. We set it up for you. HTML or text or both (multipart) ensures your messages will be read across multiple platforms or devices. Your blast can be scheduled anytime to accommodate global time zones.IMI Clicktracker, our proprietary on-line tracking tool, will provide you with real time click through and open tracking results down to the individual on your list. Hard and soft bounces are also automatically reported. IMI will customize your unsubscribe preferences page and manage the entire opt-out process.
Review a sample of IMI Clicktracker - Email Broadcast Reporting
TRAC (Targeted Response Automated Coding) is a Web-based application developed by IMI to help manage all the information necessary to make-ready the execution of a successful marketing program. The application captures all the necessary specifications about a promotion, automatically generates tracking codes for use in response analysis, and enables delivery of this information to program managers and team members through email alerts worldwide. Stakeholders can search and modify the program specs through password-protected screens. The application is hosted and can be customized or may be used as is. Data collected can be integrated with any application or database supporting the marketing operation. Contact IMI for a demo.
Review Track Program Profile Screen